The story of the series revolves around an old family in Tehran named Sabouri, who have been involved in the business of cultivating decorative flowers and various plants for years. The Sabouri family consists of three brothers, Masoud Rayegan, Parviz Parastouei, Mehdi Pakdel, and a sister, Roya Teymourian. All members of the family work in this company, following their family's traditional occupation. However, the second son, Fariborz, is the exception. At the age of 58, he is a police officer in the Criminal Investigation Department and has written his life story unaffected by his family. In his youth, Fariborz decides to become a police officer. To complete the training course, he goes to a small town and becomes involved in a tainted crime, actively seeking to solve the mystery and uncover his own guilt.
The Sabouri family continues to live peacefully in an old house, but the entry of a young man into this family brings about changes in the lives of everyone...