Set Me Free


"Set Me Free" is a love triangle set in the 1950s during the Pahlavi era in Iran. The series revolves around two brothers from a prominent family in Siahrood. Hatam, the elder son of the family, falls in love with his son's nurse, Maral. While ambiguities surround the fate of Hatam's former wife among the people of Siahrood, Maral discovers that the life of his brother Younes is in danger. As Hatam helps Maral, he realizes that his brother's story is intertwined with his younger brother, Hatef, who migrated to Tehran several years ago.


at the End of the Night
at the End of the Night
Flowers or Absured
Flowers or Absured
Viper Of Tehran
Viper Of Tehran
I hang on your hair
I hang on your hair
Once Upon a Time in Iran
Once Upon a Time in Iran
World War III
World War III
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